A. Pascual Laguna
21 records found
A focal plane array of extended-hemispherical silicon lenses coupled to aluminum coplanar-waveguide (CPW) Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) has been designed to operate at 7.8 THz. Low-dispersive leaky-wave radiation has been used to efficiently illuminate the antire
Advances in far infrared astronomy have been, and will be, defined by instrument capabilities. Especially relevant is the development of imaging spectrometers for the wavelength range of 0.03-3 mm, which are not available at all at this moment. We will discuss recent advances in
Development of an Integrated Superconducting Spectrometer for Science-Grade Astronomical Observations
Integrated superconducting spectrometer (ISS) technology will enable ultra-wideband, integral-field spectroscopy for (sub)millimeter-wave astronomy, in particular, for uncovering the dust-obscured cosmic star formation and galaxy evolution over cosmic time. Here, we present the d
Open-source time-dependent end-To-end model for simulating ground-based submillimeter astronomical observations
The next technological breakthrough in millimeter–submillimeter astronomy is three-dimensional imaging spectrometry with wide instantaneous spectral bandwidths and wide fields of view. The total optimization of the focal-plane instrument, the telescope, the observing strategy, an
Aims. Future actively cooled space-borne observatories for the far-infrared, loosely defined as a 1-10 THz band, can potentially reach a sensitivity limited only by background radiation from the Universe. This will result in an increase in observing speed of many orders of magnit
Superconducting resonators and transmission lines are fundamental building blocks of integrated circuits for millimeter-submillimeter astronomy. Accurate simulation of radiation loss from the circuit is crucial for the design of these circuits because radiation loss increases wit
The mysteries of the early Universe are largely enshrouded in dust, product of the violent process of star formation. Due to the vast distances of our Universe, infrared light emitted by the heated dust back in those early stages can still be observed today, which has been observ
We present a "mix-and-match"process to create large structures with submicrometer features by combining UV contact lithography and 100 kV electron-beam lithography in a single layer of negative-tone resist: Micro-Resist-Technology ma-N1405. The resist is successfully applied for
This communication proposes a broadband and efficient integrated focal plane array solution based on a near-field focused connected array of slots. The focused aperture provides: 1) broadband and highly efficient illumination of the quasi-optical system and 2) scanning capabiliti
A superconducting microstrip half-wavelength resonator is proposed as a suitable band-pass filter for broadband moderate spectral resolution spectroscopy for terahertz (THz) astronomy. The proposed filter geometry has a free spectral range of an octave of bandwidth without introd
A superconducting on-chip microstrip filter bank spectrometer prototype for Far-Infrared (FIR) Astronomy is presented. The measurements showcase its capabilities towards moderate spectral resolution (f/\Delta f\sim 500) broadband FIR spectroscopy. In this sub-mm-wave filter bank,
We are developing an ultra-wideband spectroscopic instrument, DESHIMA (DEep Spectroscopic HIgh-redshift MApper), based on the technologies of an on-chip filter bank and microwave kinetic inductance detector (MKID) to investigate dusty starburst galaxies in the distant universe at
DESHIMA 2.0 is a sub-millimetre wave spectrometer based on a single superconducting chip with a large instantaneous bandwidth. The instrument consists of a Quasi-optical (QO) system and an on-chip filter-bank coupled to an array of Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KID). In this work
Superconducting resonators and transmission lines are fundamental building blocks of integrated circuits for millimeter-submillimeter astronomy. Accurate simulation of radiation loss from the circuit is crucial for the design of these circuits because radiation loss increases wit
DESHIMA 2.0 is a broadband sub-mm wave superconducting on-chip spectrometer for astronomy, targeting an instantaneous octave bandwidth (220 - 440 GHz) sampled with moderate spectral resolution channels (f/df ~ 500). In this work we propose a microstrip filter-bank implementation
Microfabrication of on-chip filterbanks, such as DESHIMA 2.0, would greatly benefit from reliable fabrication with sub-micrometer resolution. This enables smaller devices and reduces scatter in parameters such as filter bandwidth and resonant frequency. Here we present “mix-and-m
The design of an octave bandwidth sub-mm wave superconducting on-chip filter-bank spectrometer for Astronomy is presented. An array of THz band-pass filters subdivides the bandwidth 220-440 GHz into channels with a spectral resolution of 400 and an average maximum coupling streng
DESHIMA is a spectrometer for astronomical applications targeting sources at sub-mm wavelengths from 240GHz to 720GHz that will operate in the ASTE telescope in Atacama Desert, Chile. In this work, a quasi-optical system based on a hyper-hemispherical leaky lens antenna and a ser
Terahertz spectrometers with a wide instantaneous frequency coverage for passive remote sensing are enormously attractive for many terahertz applications, such as astronomy, atmospheric science, and security. Here we demonstrate a wide-band terahertz spectrometer based on a singl
Ultra-wideband, three-dimensional (3D) imaging spectrometry in the millimeter–submillimeter (mm–submm) band is an essential tool for uncovering the dust-enshrouded portion of the cosmic history of star formation and galaxy evolution1–3. However, it is challenging to sc