Nishant Narayan

28 records found


The long road to universal electrification

A critical look at present pathways and challenges

Nearly 840 million people still lack access to electricity, while over a billion more have an unreliable electricity connection. In this article, the three different electrification pathways-grid extension, centralized microgrids, and standalone solar-based solutions, such as ...

Exploring the boundaries of Solar Home Systems (SHS) for off-grid electrification

Optimal SHS sizing for the multi-tier framework for household electricity access

With almost 1.1 billion people lacking access to electricity, solar-based off-grid products like Solar Home Systems (SHS) have become a promising solution to provide basic electricity needs in un(der)-electrified regions. Therefore, optimal system sizing is a vital task as bot ...

Solar home systems for improving electricity access

An off-grid solar perspective towards achieving universal electrification

Almost a billion people globally lack access to electricity. For various reasons, grid extension is not an immediately viable solution for the un(der-) electrified communities. As most of these electricity-starved regions lie in tropical latitudes, the use of off-grid solar-based ...

Correction to:

Stochastic load profile construction for the multi-tier framework for household electricity access using off-grid DC appliances

The original publication’s Fig. 5 image lacks some of its labels. On the top right, the label for the solid black line is BCF^ while the label of the broken blue line is BCF^. The correct label for the solid black line should be BCfmin^ while the broken blue line should be BCF = ...

Off-grid solar home systems (SHSs) currently constitute a major source of providing basic electricity needs in un(der)-electrified regions of the world, with around 73 million households having benefited from off-grid solar solutions by 2017. However, in and of itself, state-o ...

The use of batteries is indispensable in stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) systems, and the physical integration of a battery pack and a PV panel in one device enables this concept while easing the installation and system scaling. However, the influence of high temperatures is one of ...
Due to the variable nature of the photovoltaic generation, energy storage is imperative, and the combination of both in one device is appealing for more efficient and easy‐to‐use devices. Among the myriads of proposed approaches, there are multiple challenges to overcome to make ...

The past few years have seen strong growth of solar-based off-grid energy solutions such as Solar Home Systems (SHS) as a means to ameliorate the grave problem of energy poverty. Battery storage is an essential component of SHS. An accurate battery model can play a vital role ...

Given the complementary nature of photovoltaic (PV) generation and energy storage, the combination of a solar panel and a battery pack in one single device is proposed. To realize this concept, the PV Battery-Integrated Module (PBIM), it is fundamental to analyze the system archi ...

Solar road technology provides an opportunity to harvest the vast, albeit dispersed, photovoltaic (PV) energy, while maximizing the land utilization. Deriving experience from the pioneering 70-m solar bike path installed in the Netherlands, this paper highlights the operationa ...

The rapid increase in the adoption of Solar Home Systems (SHS) in recent times hopes to ameliorate the global problem of energy poverty. The battery is a vital but usually the most expensive part of an SHS; owing to the least lifetime among other SHS components, it is also the ...

Understanding the Present and the Future Electricity Needs

Consequences for Design of Future Solar Home Systems for Off-Grid Rural Electrification

Solar Home Systems (SHSs) can fulfil the basic energy needs of the globally unelectrified population. With costs as one of the biggest barriers for SHS uptake, optimizing the system size with energy needs is crucial. Where most solutions focus only on the present needs, this work ...

Developing for developing nations

Exploring an affordable solar home system design

Developing technological solutions for the developing nations is more than simply re-sizing a prevalent solution from the developed world. Not only the environmental conditions, but also the technology usage varies greatly between the developing nations in sunnier latitudes aroun ...


Even if renewable energy generation is improving and diffusing rapidly, reliable energy access is still a major issue for a consistent part of the global population, with more than 1 billion people still lacking energy access globally. The vast majority of this share of populatio ...

Evaluating Temperature Impact on Solar Home Systems (SHS)

From the components to the systems level

Access to electricity still lacks for a fifth of the world's population. Most of the areas are in the remote rural location. Due to the off-grid location, policies, and other social factors, the grid expansion in these areas is not economically viable. Installing Solar Home Syste ...

Off-grid PV systems for rural electrification

Optimizing the sizing methodology for off-grid PV systems

To this day, 16% of the world’s population still has little or no access to electricity. The majority of which is located in rural regions of developing countries, such as India and most countries in sub-Saharan Africa. As a part of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiat ...

Future solar home systems

Matching energy supply with energy demand

1.3 billion people in the world lack access to electricity (International Energy Agency (2013). The largest share of this group is poor and lives in the developing world, and has to deal with unmet basic needs. Having the possibility to use reliable and clean energy is seen as a ...
The fact that the developing world struggles to cover even the most basics of needs, in contrast to the developed world, is tangibly connected to the lack of electricity. As many developing nations, especially the ones located in rural areas, face many difficulties to access the ...
Rural area electrification is one of the challenging issues to be solved by the engineer as it is often constrained by several issues such as geographical condition and underdeveloped infrastructures. As a result, off-grid DC system is expected to answer the need of electricity i ...
Nowadays, there are still some regions in developing countries lacking electrification. A solution to electrify thehouseholds in these areas with off-grid Solar Home Systems (SHS) has been proposed for some time. However,battery storage in SHS is always the limitation in both cos ...