Wim S.J. Uijttewaal
14 records found
Polders water canals are sometimes exposed to brackish seepage from the nearby saline sea (salinization). This is a problem because the canal water is used to irrigate crops. A characteristic of water is that less dense (fresh) water floats on top of dense (saline) water. In lake
Mangroves trap sediment and are the first coastal defence line for many coastal areas. Unfortunately, mangrove coasts worldwide are eroding due to deforestation, exposing local communities to flood hazards. In Demak, Indonesia, a Building with Nature approach was chosen to counte
Modelling of hydrodynamic and erosion processes at vegetated lake shores
Development of a process-based tool for the design of the protection of a lake shore with reed-like vegetation
In recent years, the interest in integrating shore protection with the local ecosystems has increased. In comparison with the traditional reinforced embankments, integrated shores form a gradual transition from land to water where shore vegetation can establish itself. These natu
Determining the mechanisms causing the hydraulic damping during ship berthing
Comprehending the water cushion effect
When a large ship enters a port the vessel is navigated by the pilots instead of the captain due to safety reasons. The final part of the berthing manoeuver is the most critical and consists of the vessel moving laterally towards the quay wall. At this point the vessel does not u
Below the surface
A laboratorial research to the vertical distribution of buoyant plastics in rivers
Rivers are identified as main sources of plastic litter in oceans. About 65% of the plastic litter is buoyant in fresh waters, meaning it has the capability to float, making transport over rivers relatively easy. A better understanding of how plastic litter is transported via riv
Modelling forces on buoyant macro plastics and their cross-sectional distribution in rivers
Simplified modelling of buoyant macro plastics according to cornerstones in behavior and particle response times in a range of riverine environments to set-up efficient monitoring campaigns and help select locations for efficient plastic removal.
Concerns regarding plastic pollution arise as large quantities of plastic enter the ocean and affect wildlife and possibly human health. Rivers form a dominant pathway for macro plastic particles into the ocean. Plastic pollution in rivers can result in blockage, where it affects
Granular bed protections are a common measure to mitigate scour of the sand bed around hydraulic structures. In view of marching towards cost-effective solutions to tackle erosion-related problems, it is important to accurately predict the loads exerted on the bed and come up wit
Rocking of single layer armour units
Rocking revisited 3
After the failure of several large breakwaters in late 1970’s and early 1980’s where the role of rocking and breakage of armour became apparent, the importance of understanding this rocking phenomenon is given a great emphasis. Single layer randomly placed armour units are widely
This study analyzes and compares data for interventions (river training works, dredging and nourishment), discharge statistics, bed elevation and slope spatially and temporally in the Niederrhein, Bovenrijn, Pannerdensch Kanaal and Waal branches. River training works have activel
San Francisco Bay is the largest estuary on the west coast, and it supports a surrounding population of over 7 million people. Human developments have reduced the amount of fine sediments delivered to the Bay-Delta system in recent years, which threatens habitat restoration init
This thesis presents a new methodology for representing the effect of spiral flow on the bed shear stress magnitude and direction, using a low-vertical-resolution three-dimensional model. Furthermore, it discusses the performance of the new methodology in comparison with conventi
Coastal facilities such as desalination plant or a nuclear power plant need a continuous discharge of salty water to carry out their functions. Hereby an intake structure, such as a velocity cap, can be used to take in water from the sea. These intakes are open seafloor founded c
Wave Flume Experiments on Permeable Structures
The effect of arrays of cylinders on wave reflection, dissipation and transmission
Due to the removal of mangrove forests, coastal zones can suffer from severe erosion. One of the proposed solutions is the construction of permeable structures. This study aims to optimise the design of permeable (brushwood) structures in order to restore the sediment balance and
Flow patterns in partially vegetated channels
Combining physical experiments and numerical modelling
As coastal wetland ecosystems, thriving at the interface between land and water,
mangroves can benefit us in lots of ways: providing food and timber, purifying water and sequestrating carbon, protecting coastal area through wave attenuation and coastal stabilization. Regardi ...
mangroves can benefit us in lots of ways: providing food and timber, purifying water and sequestrating carbon, protecting coastal area through wave attenuation and coastal stabilization. Regardi ...