A.J. van Binsbergen
10 records found
Design of a circular supply chain for electricity grid components
A Stedin case study
In light of the energy transition and resulting electrification of the energy systems in the Netherlands, Distribution System Operators (DSOs) need to rapidly expand their operations to facilitate consumers. At the same time, their own activities need to become more sustainable a
This dissertation discusses how mode and route choice behavior might change with the introduction of future transportation modes when potential users are unfamiliar with such systems. It uses discrete choice models and supernetwork models without mode-specific constants and param
The road towards a more transparent and accurate carbon footprint of freight transportation
Developing a tool for assessing the possible uncertainties underlying the carbon footprint of a shipment
This paper investigates the uncertainties underlying carbon footprint estimations of freight transportation, with a particular focus on trip-level shipment data. The research aimed to identify and classify possible causes of these uncertainties using Walker’s uncertainty matrix,
Cost-Benefit Analysis of pipeline transport in the Antwerp – Ruhr region
A societal and financial Cost-Benefit Analysis for new pipeline infrastructure in the Antwerp – Ruhr trajectory
The Flemish government is in pursuit of reaching their mobility and environment goals for 2040 and onwards. Therefore, the Flemish government sees building pipeline infrastructure as an option for transport of liquid bulk goods in the Antwerp – Ruhr trajectory. Pipeline transport
To achieve the goals set by the "European Green Deal" of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it is imperative for heavy goods vehicles to transition towards becoming climate neutral. To address this challenge, Electric Road Systems (ERS) with overhead conductive and in-road induct
The Mekong Delta is facing some complicated challenges in the near future. Its geographical location and the fact that it is a delta result in low elevation levels which makes it vulnerable to inundation. This problem will only become bigger in the future due to the effects of cl
This report explains the design of an information tool, created to help shippers inform themselves on the emission reducing actions available to reduce road freight transport emissions. Different emission reducing actions for road freight transport are researched and compared bas
Goods transportation is essential for economic development. In a highly globalised world, it is expected to become more important over the years. Inter-urban freight transport has a major role when it comes to resource consumption, pollution and climate change. Thus, its decarbon
Usability of Physical Internet characteristics for achieving more sustainable urban freight logistics
Barriers and opportunities revealed by dominant stakeholder perspectives
Urban freight logistics currently has to deal with multiple unsustainabilites. Physical Internet characteristics can be promising to make urban freight logistics more sustainable. It was researched if this can be the case and, what opportunities and barriers there are belonging t
The Development of Construction Logistics Structures
Case IJburg II
Construction logistics has a negative impact on the urban environment. Therefore, in this study, construction logistics structures are designed for residential and non-residential development that should reduce the negative effects of construction-related transport in cities. The