Stephan Philips
8 records found
Hotter is Easier
Unexpected Temperature Dependence of Spin Qubit Frequencies
As spin-based quantum processors grow in size and complexity, maintaining high fidelities and minimizing crosstalk will be essential for the successful implementation of quantum algorithms and error-correction protocols. In particular, recent experiments have highlighted perni ...
Semiconductor spin qubits demonstrated single-qubit gates with fidelities up to 99.9 % benchmarked in the single-qubit subspace. However, tomographic characterizations reveal non-negligible crosstalk errors in a larger space. Additionally, it was long thought that the two-qubi ...
Future quantum computers capable of solving relevant problems will require a large number of qubits that can be operated reliably1. However, the requirements of having a large qubit count and operating with high fidelity are typically conflicting. Spins in semiconductor quantu ...
Electron spins in Si/SiGe quantum wells suffer from nearly degenerate conduction band valleys, which compete with the spin degree of freedom in the formation of qubits. Despite attempts to enhance the valley energy splitting deterministically, by engineering a sharp interface, ...
Radio-frequency (rf) reflectometry offers a fast and sensitive method for charge sensing and spin readout in gated quantum dots. We focus in this work on the implementation of rf readout in accumulation-mode gate-defined quantum dots, where the large parasitic capacitance pose ...
Electrons and holes confined in quantum dots define excellent building blocks for quantum emergence, simulation, and computation. Silicon and germanium are compatible with standard semiconductor manufacturing and contain stable isotopes with zero nuclear spin, thereby serving ...
Now that it is possible to achieve measurement and control fidelities for individual quantum bits (qubits) above the threshold for fault tolerance, attention is moving towards the difficult task of scaling up the number of physical qubits to the large numbers that are needed f ...