M. Lodari

16 records found


We demonstrate that a lightly strained germanium channel (ϵ / / = - 0.41 %) in an undoped Ge/Si0.1Ge0.9 heterostructure field effect transistor supports a two-dimensional (2D) hole gas with mobility in excess of 1 × 10 6 cm2/Vs and percolation density less than 5 × 10 10 cm-2. ...

Full-scale quantum computers require the integration of millions of qubits, and the potential of using industrial semiconductor manufacturing to meet this need has driven the development of quantum computing in silicon quantum dots. However, fabrication has so far relied on el ...

Electron spins in Si/SiGe quantum wells suffer from nearly degenerate conduction band valleys, which compete with the spin degree of freedom in the formation of qubits. Despite attempts to enhance the valley energy splitting deterministically, by engineering a sharp interface, ...

We grow 28Si/SiGe heterostructures by reduced-pressure chemical vapor deposition and terminate the stack without an epitaxial Si cap but with an amorphous Si-rich layer obtained by exposing the SiGe barrier to dichlorosilane at 500 °C. As a result, 28Si/SiGe heterostructure fi ...

We determine the energy splitting of the conduction-band valleys in two-dimensional electrons confined in silicon metal oxide semiconductor Hall-bar transistors. These silicon metal oxide semiconductor Hall bars are made by advanced semiconductor manufacturing on 300 mm silico ...

We demonstrate a 36 × 36 gate electrode crossbar that supports 648 narrow-channel field effect transistors (FET) for gate-defined quantum dots, with a quadratic increase in quantum dot count upon a linear increase in control lines. The crossbar is fabricated on an industrial < ...

We report on a systematic analysis of phosphorus diffusion in silicon on insulator thin film via spin-on-dopant process (SOD). This method is used to provide an impurity source for semiconductor junction fabrication. The dopant is first spread into the substrate via SOD and th ...

Topological superconductivity can be engineered in semiconductors with strong spin-orbit interaction coupled to a superconductor. Experimental advances in this field have often been triggered by the development of new hybrid material systems. Among these, two-dimensional elect ...

We engineer planar Ge/SiGe heterostructures for low disorder and quiet hole quantum dot operation by positioning the strained Ge channel 55 nm below the semiconductor/dielectric interface. In heterostructure field effect transistors, we measure a percolation density for two-dimen ...

A clear signature of Zeeman split states crossing is observed in a Landau fan diagram of strained germanium two-dimensional hole gas. The underlying mechanisms are discussed based on a perturbative model yielding a closed formula for the critical magnetic fields. These fields ...

Electrons and holes confined in quantum dots define excellent building blocks for quantum emergence, simulation, and computation. Silicon and germanium are compatible with standard semiconductor manufacturing and contain stable isotopes with zero nuclear spin, thereby serving ...

We determine the energy splitting of the conduction-band valleys in two-dimensional electrons confined to low-disorder Si quantum wells. We probe the valley splitting dependence on both perpendicular magnetic field B and Hall density by performing activation energy measurement ...

We demonstrate the use of plasmonic effects to boost the near-infrared sensitivity of metal-semiconductor-metal detectors. Plasmon-enhanced photodetection is achieved by properly optimizing Au interdigitated electrodes, micro-fabricated on Ge, a semiconductor that features a s ...

Planar Josephson junctions (JJs) made in semiconductor quantum wells with large spin-orbit coupling are capable of hosting topological superconductivity. Indium antimonide (InSb) two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) are particularly suited for this due to their large Landé g ...

We report density-dependent effective hole mass measurements in undoped germanium quantum wells. We are able to span a large range of densities (2.0-11×1011cm-2) in top-gated field effect transistors by positioning the strained buried Ge channel at different depths of 12 and 4 ...

Shallow and Undoped Germanium Quantum Wells

A Playground for Spin and Hybrid Quantum Technology

Buried-channel semiconductor heterostructures are an archetype material platform for the fabrication of gated semiconductor quantum devices. Sharp confinement potential is obtained by positioning the channel near the surface; however, nearby surface states degrade the electric ...