N.W. Hendrickx
24 records found
Electrically driven spin resonance is a powerful technique for controlling semiconductor spin qubits. However, it faces challenges in qubit addressability and off-resonance driving in larger systems. We demonstrate coherent bichromatic Rabi control of quantum dot hole spin qubits, offering a spatially selective approach for large qubit arrays. By applying simultaneous microwave bursts to different gate electrodes, we observe multichromatic resonance lines and resonance anticrossings that are caused by the ac Stark shift. Our theoretical framework aligns with experimental data, highlighting interdot motion as the dominant mechanism for bichromatic driving.
@enQubits that can be efficiently controlled are essential for the development of scalable quantum hardware. Although resonant control is used to execute high-fidelity quantum gates, the scalability is challenged by the integration of high-frequency oscillating signals, qubit cross-talk, and heating. Here, we show that by engineering the hopping of spins between quantum dots with a site-dependent spin quantization axis, quantum control can be established with discrete signals. We demonstrate hopping-based quantum logic and obtain single-qubit gate fidelities of 99.97%, coherent shuttling fidelities of 99.992% per hop, and a two-qubit gate fidelity of 99.3%, corresponding to error rates that have been predicted to allow for quantum error correction. We also show that hopping spins constitute a tuning method by statistically mapping the coherence of a 10-quantum dot system. Our results show that dense quantum dot arrays with sparse occupation could be developed for efficient and high-connectivity qubit registers.
@enThe efficient control of a large number of qubits is one of the most challenging aspects for practical quantum computing. Current approaches in solid-state quantum technology are based on brute-force methods, where each and every qubit requires at least one unique control line—an approach that will become unsustainable when scaling to the required millions of qubits. Here, inspired by random-access architectures in classical electronics, we introduce the shared control of semiconductor quantum dots to efficiently operate a two-dimensional crossbar array in planar germanium. We tune the entire array, comprising 16 quantum dots, to the few-hole regime. We then confine an odd number of holes in each site to isolate an unpaired spin per dot. Moving forward, we demonstrate on a vertical and a horizontal double quantum dot a method for the selective control of the interdot coupling and achieve a tunnel coupling tunability over more than 10 GHz. The operation of a quantum electronic device with fewer control terminals than tunable experimental parameters represents a compelling step forward in the construction of scalable quantum technology.
@enHighly uniform quantum systems are essential for the practical implementation of scalable quantum processors. While quantum dot spin qubits based on semiconductor technology are a promising platform for large-scale quantum computing, their small size makes them particularly sensitive to their local environment. Here, we present a method to electrically obtain a high degree of uniformity in the intrinsic potential landscape using hysteretic shifts of the gate voltage characteristics. We demonstrate the tuning of pinch-off voltages in quantum dot devices over hundreds of millivolts that then remain stable at least for hours. Applying our method, we homogenize the pinch-off voltages of the plunger gates in a linear array for four quantum dots, reducing the spread in pinch-off voltages by one order of magnitude. This work provides a new tool for the tuning of quantum dot devices and offers new perspectives for the implementation of scalable spin qubit arrays.
@enSimulations using highly tunable quantum systems may enable investigations of condensed matter systems beyond the capabilities of classical computers. Quantum dots and donors in semiconductor technology define a natural approach to implement quantum simulation. Several material platforms have been used to study interacting charge states, while gallium arsenide has also been used to investigate spin evolution. However, decoherence remains a key challenge in simulating coherent quantum dynamics. Here, we introduce quantum simulation using hole spins in germanium quantum dots. We demonstrate extensive and coherent control enabling the tuning of multi-spin states in isolated, paired, and fully coupled quantum dots. We then focus on the simulation of resonating valence bonds and measure the evolution between singlet product states which remains coherent over many periods. Finally, we realize four-spin states with s-wave and d-wave symmetry. These results provide means to perform non-trivial and coherent simulations of correlated electron systems.
@enA strained Ge quantum well, grown on a SiGe/Si virtual substrate and hosting two electrostatically defined hole spin qubits, is nondestructively investigated by synchrotron-based scanning X-ray diffraction microscopy to determine all its Bravais lattice parameters. This allows rendering the three-dimensional spatial dependence of the six strain tensor components with a lateral resolution of approximately 50 nm. Two different spatial scales governing the strain field fluctuations in proximity of the qubits are observed at <100 nm and >1 μm, respectively. The short-ranged fluctuations have a typical bandwidth of 2 × 10-4 and can be quantitatively linked to the compressive stressing action of the metal electrodes defining the qubits. By finite element mechanical simulations, it is estimated that this strain fluctuation is increased up to 6 × 10-4 at cryogenic temperature. The longer-ranged fluctuations are of the 10-3 order and are associated with misfit dislocations in the plastically relaxed virtual substrate. From this, energy variations of the light and heavy-hole energy maxima of the order of several 100 μeV and 1 meV are calculated for electrodes and dislocations, respectively. These insights over material-related inhomogeneities may feed into further modeling for optimization and design of large-scale quantum processors manufactured using the mainstream Si-based microelectronics technology.
@enHole spin qubits in group-IV semiconductors, especially Ge and Si, are actively investigated as platforms for ultrafast electrical spin manipulation thanks to their strong spin-orbit coupling. Nevertheless, the theoretical understanding of spin dynamics in these systems is in the early stages of development, particularly for in-plane magnetic fields as used in the vast majority of experiments. In this work, we present a comprehensive theory of spin physics in planar Ge hole quantum dots in an in-plane magnetic field, where the orbital terms play a dominant role in qubit physics, and provide a brief comparison with experimental measurements of the angular dependence of electrically driven spin resonance. We focus the theoretical analysis on electrical spin operation, phonon-induced relaxation, and the existence of coherence sweet spots. We find that the choice of magnetic field orientation makes a substantial difference for the properties of hole spin qubits. Specifically, we find that (i) EDSR for in-plane magnetic fields varies nonlinearly with the field strength and weaker than for perpendicular magnetic fields. (ii) The EDSR Rabi frequency is maximized when the a.c. electric field is aligned parallel to the magnetic field, and vanishes when the two are perpendicular. (iii) The orbital magnetic field terms make the in-plane g-factor strongly anisotropic in a squeezed dot, in excellent agreement with experimental measurements. (iv) Focusing on random telegraph noise, we show that the effect of noise in an in-plane magnetic field cannot be fully mitigated, as the orbital magnetic field terms expose the qubit to all components of the defect electric field. These findings will provide a guideline for experiments to design ultrafast, highly coherent hole spin qubits in Ge.
@enPractical Quantum computing hinges on the ability to control large numbers of qubits with high fidelity. Quantum dots define a promising platform due to their compatibility with semiconductor manufacturing. Moreover, high-fidelity operations above 99.9% have been realized with individual qubits, though their performance has been limited to 98.67% when driving two qubits simultaneously. Here we present single-qubit randomized benchmarking in a two-dimensional array of spin qubits, finding native gate fidelities as high as 99.992(1)%. Furthermore, we benchmark single qubit gate performance while simultaneously driving two and four qubits, utilizing a novel benchmarking technique called N-copy randomized benchmarking, designed for simple experimental implementation and accurate simultaneous gate fidelity estimation. We find two- and four-copy randomized benchmarking fidelities of 99.905(8)% and 99.34(4)% respectively, and that next-nearest neighbor pairs are highly robust to cross-talk errors. These characterizations of single-qubit gate quality are crucial for scaling up quantum information technology.
@enThe fault-tolerant operation of logical qubits is an important requirement for realizing a universal quantum computer. Spin qubits based on quantum dots have great potential to be scaled to large numbers because of their compatibility with standard semiconductor manufacturing. Here, we show that a quantum error correction code can be implemented using a four-qubit array in germanium. We demonstrate a resonant SWAP gate and by combining controlled-Z and controlled-S−1 gates we construct a Toffoli-like three-qubit gate. We execute a two-qubit phase flip code and find that we can preserve the state of the data qubit by applying a refocusing pulse to the ancilla qubit. In addition, we implement a phase flip code on three qubits, making use of a Toffoli-like gate for the final correction step. Both the quality and quantity of the qubits will require significant improvement to achieve fault-tolerance. However, the capability to implement quantum error correction codes enables co-design development of quantum hardware and software, where codes tailored to the properties of spin qubits and advances in fabrication and operation can now come together to advance semiconductor quantum technology.
@enThe prospect of building quantum circuits1,2 using advanced semiconductor manufacturing makes quantum dots an attractive platform for quantum information processing3,4. Extensive studies of various materials have led to demonstrations of two-qubit logic in gallium arsenide5, silicon6–12 and germanium13. However, interconnecting larger numbers of qubits in semiconductor devices has remained a challenge. Here we demonstrate a four-qubit quantum processor based on hole spins in germanium quantum dots. Furthermore, we define the quantum dots in a two-by-two array and obtain controllable coupling along both directions. Qubit logic is implemented all-electrically and the exchange interaction can be pulsed to freely program one-qubit, two-qubit, three-qubit and four-qubit operations, resulting in a compact and highly connected circuit. We execute a quantum logic circuit that generates a four-qubit Greenberger−Horne−Zeilinger state and we obtain coherent evolution by incorporating dynamical decoupling. These results are a step towards quantum error correction and quantum simulation using quantum dots.
@enQuantum dots fabricated using methods compatible with semiconductor manufacturing are promising for quantum information processing. In order to fully utilize the potential of this platform, scaling quantum dot arrays along two dimensions is a key step. Here, we demonstrate a two-dimensional quantum dot array where each quantum dot is tuned to single-charge occupancy, verified by simultaneous measurements using two integrated radio frequency charge sensors. We achieve this by using planar germanium quantum dots with low disorder and a small effective mass, allowing the incorporation of dedicated barrier gates to control the coupling of the quantum dots. We measure the hole charge filling spectrum and show that we can tune single-hole quantum dots from isolated quantum dots to strongly exchange coupled quantum dots. These results motivate the use of planar germanium quantum dots as building blocks for quantum simulation and computation.
@enoperation of hole quantum dots and we measure an average charge noise level of √SE = 0.6 μeV/√Hz at 1 Hz, with the lowest level below our detection limit√SE = 0.2 μeV/√Hz. These results establish planar Ge as a promising platform for scaledtwo-dimensional spin qubit arrays@en
Single-charge pumps are the main candidates for quantum-based standards of the unit ampere because they can generate accurate and quantized electric currents. In order to approach the metrological requirements in terms of both accuracy and speed of operation, in the past decade there has been a focus on semiconductor-based devices. The use of a variety of semiconductor materials enables the universality of charge pump devices to be tested, a highly desirable demonstration for metrology, with GaAs and Si pumps at the forefront of these tests. Here, we show that pumping can be achieved in a yet unexplored semiconductor, i.e. germanium. We realise a single-hole pump with a tunable-barrier quantum dot electrostatically defined at a Ge/SiGe heterostructure interface. We observe quantized current plateaux by driving the system with a single sinusoidal drive up to a frequency of 100 MHz. The operation of the prototype was affected by accidental formation of multiple dots, probably due to disorder potential, and random charge fluctuations. We suggest straightforward refinements of the fabrication process to improve pump characteristics in future experiments 2021 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd.
@enQubits based on quantum dots have excellent prospects for scalable quantum technology due to their compatibility with standard semiconductor manufacturing. While early research focused on the simpler electron system, recent demonstrations using multi-hole quantum dots illustrated the favourable properties holes can offer for fast and scalable quantum control. Here, we establish a single-hole spin qubit in germanium and demonstrate the integration of single-shot readout and quantum control. We deplete a planar germanium double quantum dot to the last hole, confirmed by radio-frequency reflectrometry charge sensing. To demonstrate the integration of single-shot readout and qubit operation, we show Rabi driving on both qubits. We find remarkable electric control over the qubit resonance frequencies, providing great qubit addressability. Finally, we analyse the spin relaxation time, which we find to exceed one millisecond, setting the benchmark for hole quantum dot qubits. The ability to coherently manipulate a single hole spin underpins the quality of strained germanium and defines an excellent starting point for the construction of quantum hardware.
@enElectrons and holes confined in quantum dots define excellent building blocks for quantum emergence, simulation, and computation. Silicon and germanium are compatible with standard semiconductor manufacturing and contain stable isotopes with zero nuclear spin, thereby serving as excellent hosts for spins with long quantum coherence. Here, we demonstrate quantum dot arrays in a silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor (SiMOS), strained silicon (Si/SiGe), and strained germanium (Ge/SiGe). We fabricate using a multi-layer technique to achieve tightly confined quantum dots and compare integration processes. While SiMOS can benefit from a larger temperature budget and Ge/SiGe can make an Ohmic contact to metals, the overlapping gate structure to define the quantum dots can be based on a nearly identical integration. We realize charge sensing in each platform, for the first time in Ge/SiGe, and demonstrate fully functional linear and two-dimensional arrays where all quantum dots can be depleted to the last charge state. In Si/SiGe, we tune a quintuple quantum dot using the N + 1 method to simultaneously reach the few electron regime for each quantum dot. We compare capacitive crosstalk and find it to be the smallest in SiMOS, relevant for the tuning of quantum dot arrays. We put these results into perspective for quantum technology and identify industrial qubits, hybrid technology, automated tuning, and two-dimensional qubit arrays as four key trajectories that, when combined, enable fault-tolerant quantum computation.
@enWe investigate hole spin relaxation in the single- and multihole regime in a 2 × 2 germanium quantum dot array. We find spin relaxation times T1 as high as 32 and 1.2 ms for quantum dots with single- and five-hole occupations, respectively, setting benchmarks for spin relaxation times for hole quantum dots. Furthermore, we investigate qubit addressability and electric field sensitivity by measuring resonance frequency dependence of each qubit on gate voltages. We can tune the resonance frequency over a large range for both single and multihole qubits, while simultaneously finding that the resonance frequencies are only weakly dependent on neighboring gates. In particular, the five-hole qubit resonance frequency is more than 20 times as sensitive to its corresponding plunger gate. Excellent individual qubit tunability and long spin relaxation times make holes in germanium promising for addressable and high-fidelity spin qubits in dense two-dimensional quantum dot arrays for large-scale quantum information.
@enUniversal quantum information processing requires the execution of single-qubit and two-qubit logic. Across all qubit realizations1, spin qubits in quantum dots have great promise to become the central building block for quantum computation2. Excellent quantum dot control can be achieved in gallium arsenide3–5, and high-fidelity qubit rotations and two-qubit logic have been demonstrated in silicon6–9, but universal quantum logic implemented with local control has yet to be demonstrated. Here we make this step by combining all of these desirable aspects using hole quantum dots in germanium. Good control over tunnel coupling and detuning is obtained by exploiting quantum wells with very low disorder, enabling operation at the charge symmetry point for increased qubit performance. Spin–orbit coupling obviates the need for microscopic elements close to each qubit and enables rapid qubit control with driving frequencies exceeding 100 MHz. We demonstrate a fast universal quantum gate set composed of single-qubit gates with a fidelity of 99.3 per cent and a gate time of 20 nanoseconds, and two-qubit logic operations executed within 75 nanoseconds. Planar germanium has thus matured within a year from a material that can host quantum dots to a platform enabling two-qubit logic, positioning itself as an excellent material for use in quantum information applications.
@enWe fabricate Josephson field-effect transistors in germanium quantum wells contacted by superconducting aluminum and demonstrate supercurrents carried by holes that extend over junction lengths of several micrometers. In superconducting quantum point contacts we observe discretization of supercurrent, as well as Fabry-Pérot resonances, demonstrating ballistic transport. The magnetic field dependence of the supercurrent follows a clear Fraunhofer-like pattern, and Shapiro steps appear upon microwave irradiation. Multiple Andreev reflections give rise to conductance enhancement and evidence a transparent interface, confirmed by analyzing the excess current. These demonstrations of ballistic superconducting transport are promising for hybrid quantum technology in germanium.