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C.T.H. Heerkens

15 records found

Quantification of bone surface textures

Exploring a new method of ontogenetic ageing

Identification of ontogenetic age classes plays an important role in the fields of zoology, palaeontology and archaeology, where accurate age classifications of (sub)fossil remains are a crucial component for the reconstruction of past life. Textural ageing—the identification of ...
Electron beam lithography (EBL) requires conducting substrates to ensure pattern fidelity. However, there is an increasing interest in performing EBL on less well-conducting surfaces or even insulators, usually resulting in seriously distorted pattern formation. To understand the ...
Recent research evidences the strong modulatory role of controlled submicron and nanoscale topographies on stem cells fate. To harness these physical surface cues for clinical applications, fabrication of nano- and submicron patterns on clinically relevant biomaterials is greatly ...